Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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68 lines
Allright, so it's a clock. What more do you want me to say? It sits on the
iconbar and displays the time in your choice of font, colour, smell, etc.
You can configure the font name, size, and colour. You can also configure
whether to have a 12-hour or 24-hour clock, with or without seconds. No
thirds are allowed. Fourths are right out.
All this stuff is configured from a self-explanatory (hopefully) menu. When
you change something it will automatically be saved to disc so that it
becomes the default.
It should run on anything from RISC OS 3.10 upwards, but don't quote me.
Oh yeah, and it only uses 4K of memory, or thereabouts.
That's it. It's too simple to go worrying about it, really.
This program is supplied 'as is' with no guarantee of its suitability for any
purpose. If you use this program then I will not be held responsible for
anything at all.
Public Domain Notice:
Timeless is released by kind decree of the Great Greenish-Grey Gollywog and
his fatuous employees. The King of the Potato People is on holiday.
This software may be freely copied and used, as long as the following
conditions are met:
a) That this notice is distributed unchanged with every copy.
b) That no modifications are made to any part of the code or other files.
c) No charge is made for the distribution. Public domain libraries may make
a small charge to cover distribution costs. It is highly unethical, not
to mention dishonest to make a charge for software which programmers
have intended to be freely distributed, especially if none of that profit
finds its way to the programmer.
d) You perform one Karma-enhancing action before distributing it. Actions
defined as Karma-Enhancing include smiling at old ladies, enjoying the
simple beauty of nature, and eating strawberries. Feel free to add to
this list.
All copyright is reserved. Anybody who uses my code in a project which is
intended to be sold for profit is a foul scumbag. Unless they give me some
money too, then it's allright.
If you wish to use pieces of my code in your own pd programs then please feel
free to do so, provided these programs are not intented for sale. If you do
use my code, a credit would be nice. Money would be even better.
I can be contacted via the remarkable British postal service at:
Mark Greenwood,
99B High Street,
High Barnet,
Herts. EN5 5UZ
Or via the slightly quicker but infinitiely less reliable wonders of
telecommunications science at
Thanks to Dave for inventing Fat German.